Safety Tips

The safety and protection of your home and your family are important to Southern Oak. Below you will find some helpful links that can provide you with the information and tools necessary to protect your most prized possessions, your family, and your home.

Disaster Resistant Home Safety

  • FLASH – The Federal Alliance for Safe Homes is a non-profit consumer advocacy organization, which promotes home safety through the effective use of mitigation, improved construction techniques, and consumer education. FLASH is also pleased to introduce Blueprint for Safetysm. This educational program is designed to provide accurate, current and reliable information about disaster-safe building techniques and features to help families become better prepared for floods, hurricanes, wildfires, and windstorms.
  • The Institute for Business & Home Safety is another good resource for protecting your home against insured perils.  They have an excellent document entitled “A Homeowners Guide to Water Damage Prevention,” which gives great tips for making sure your home isn’t overly susceptible to water damage.
  • Disaster Resistant Neighborhoods – The American Red Cross Disaster Resistant Neighborhood program promotes disaster safety for individuals and families through an organized effort, at the neighborhood level, led by neighborhood volunteers. The program emphasizes individual responsibility for disaster preparedness and mitigation. It encourages neighborhood residents to share responsibility for their disaster safety, thereby making the neighborhood more resilient and resistant to natural and man-made hazards.


Emergency & Hurricane Preparedness

  • – An informational site developed by the Florida Department of Community Affairs and the Emergency Management Division. The site contains extensive information on emergency preparedness, including disaster resistant construction techniques, community disaster preparedness, and links to other helpful resources.
  • Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA)
  • American Red Cross
  • NOAA Weather Radio –  (NWR) is a nationwide network of radio stations broadcasting continuous weather information direct from a nearby National Weather Service office. NWR broadcasts National Weather Service warnings, watches, forecasts and other hazard information 24 hours a day.


Weather Related Links


Government Links