Wholly owned and operated by Floridians, Southern Oak Insurance has a vested interest in protecting the homes of Florida residents. Our families weather the same storms as yours, so we share a unique connection with our policyholders, which helps us offer the best customer service and most comprehensive claims service in Florida. Southern Oak is part of your community.
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Southern Oak Insurance is also one of the most stable Insurance companies in Florida. We have been assigned a Financial Stability Rating® of A, Exceptional, from Demotech, Inc. which means you can count on Southern Oak to be there when you need our protection the most.
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Southern Oak Insurance offers the industry’s most innovative policy and claims administration systems, meaning that from the time you bind your policy through to when you make a claim, the process is simple, efficient, and fast. We also offer our policyholders online tools to pay bills, access important documents, get policy updates, and more through MySouthernOak
Learn more below.