As an independent insurance agent, you’re looking for insurance products that you can trust. You want to be able to recommend products that not only fit your customers, but also provide the highest levels of customer service, financial stability, and quality. Our management team has over 150 years of combined experience in the Florida insurance marketplace, and Southern Oak is a product that independent insurance agents love to offer to their customers.
1. Quality Service
When you’re looking for an insurance company, you want to know that your clients are covered by a company that knows its state and its risks. We’re Florida insurance experts, and our employees have many years of extensive experience in this state. We understand the needs of your Florida clients, and our experience in all aspects of the Florida insurance industry allows us to excel in customer service.
2. A Stable Business Model
Insurance is an industry that protects others in case of instability, so it’s important that your insurance provider have a solid history of providing for clients, even in difficult times. Southern Oak has a proven service history in Florida, and it has a Financial Stability Rating® of A, Exceptional from Demotech, Inc. Even in a scenario where there are multiple storms, our business model is designed to protect our policyholders. You and your customers know that you can count on Southern Oak.
3. Comprehensive Storm Protection Coverage
Florida is known for its storms, particularly hurricanes. When the storms arrive, Southern Oak is covered. We have a very robust reinsurance program, designed to protect policyholder surplus, provide protection for multiple storms, and to be open and available to our agents to write new policies immediately after a storm. We know that the storms will come, so we’re ready to ensure that our customers are protected, no matter what happens.
4. Innovative Agent Portal
As an agent, you not only want stellar coverage for your clients, you also need to be able to communicate with the companies that you work with so that you can get answers to your questions quickly and easily. This allows you to achieve your customer service goals. With our innovative agent portal, Southern Oak caters to the needs of agents. There’s no frustration or frantic searching for the answer: our agent portal features Quick Reference Guides, quote comparison tools, online chat with underwriters and other features that will help you answer your customers’ questions.
5. Marketing Assistance
Who doesn’t need help with marketing? You need to be able to offer excellent products to your customers, but you also need to let them know that those products exist. When you sign up with Southern Oak, we’ll assist you with marketing and advertising. Our agency co-op program provides a unique opportunity to partner with us to bring in new customers.
Independent insurance agents that are looking for homeowners and renters insurance love Southern Oak. If you’re an agent who’s looking for new insurance options, learn how Southern Oak Insurance can protect the families you work with every day. Contact us for more information.